A Beginner's Guide to Selecting the Perfect Electric RC Car


Updated 2022-11-16 by Steve

A Beginner's Guide to Selecting the Perfect Electric RC Car

Choosing your first or next remote control car is a daunting task, but to help steer you in the right direction, here are some essential tips to consider when looking for your next remote control purchase!

Define Your Terrain

Before making a choice on the car you want to purchase, first determine what you intend to do, and what terrain will you mostly use it for? 

On-Road models are fantastic for smooth surfaces, such as pavement, streets and indoor tracks, whereas off-road vehicles are much more suited for rugged terrains.
This is where ground clearance plays a crucial role in the car you wish to purchase, it is definitely important to align your choice with your preferred driving environment and style.

How Fast Do You Want To Go?

The fun question of how fast you intend to drive your remote control car!
Brushed cars will typically max out at roughly 25-30 mph, while brushless cars are capable of staggering 100+ mph speeds.

Although it is important to note, most advertised top speeds may only be achievable on a smooth surface in optimum conditions.

Always consider your driving scenarios when using your remote control car, as high speed gearing offroad can overwork your motor and ESC! 

What Is Your Budget?

3. RC cars can be a significant investment, I personally consider 3 main things; What is the availability on spare parts for this specific model, what are the possible upgrade options, and what customisation options are available?

Entry Level vehicles typically have less possible options to upgrade, and generally will have less performance in comparison to their higher-end counterparts, for example, going with a brushed model from a reputable manufacturer at the top end, might be a little better than selecting a brushless vehicle from a lower tier manufacturer.

It's also worth noting that certain models will tend to have more aftermarket functionality, with components tailored for higher-end remote control cars.

As you progress with your RC Car, you can reach out to us for guidance, or if you're still unsure about what might be the best remote control car for you!

Choosing your first or next remote control car is a daunting task, but to help steer you in the right direction, here are some essential tips to consider when looking for your next remote control purchase!