Pro4 SC10 Review


Updated 2022-10-04 by Nicky

Pro4 SC10 Review

As someone who is pretty new in the world of RC, I was after my first proper RC car which represented great value for money but gave really good performance off road. Having looked at a number of various options, I finally decided on the Team Associated Pro4 SC10.


The main reason for choosing the SC10 was I really liked the look of the car, especially in the general tire livery, but it also runs on 2 or 3 cell lipo batteries which I knew would be plenty for me. I had only ran 2 cell before on my Tamiya TT02, so having a short course truck that would run 3 cell was certainly a step in the right direction! My colleague Frank had gone for the Rival MT10 which is an amazing piece of kit for the money, so with the SC10 being an Associated product, I had some expectations. 

I have owned the car for 4 months now and it has never missed a beat. The car is very capable on 2 cell batteries, but the difference between 2 cell and 3 cell on this car is night and day. I show a lot of customers in the shop so they can see the difference and everyone is amazed with the performance. The SC10 is amazing to handle, even on rough terrain, and as you can see in some of these images, it’s rough in places! I was really surprised at how much stick the car took in these conditions. The SC10 does jumps really well too, just make sure that you are off power when you are in the air and when you land, just so you don’t cause potential issues to your drivetrain. 

Since I have owned my SC10, I have shown a number of customers in store the potential of the car and a number of them have purchased their own. Whenever they come back in to the store they say how happy they are with their SC10 too, and what a really good capable car it is.

If there is only one thing that I would change on the SC10, it’s just the look of the transmitter looks a little “toyish” but it does the job so a case of its function over form. Saying that, you’ll be too busy looking at the SC10 going fast and sideways to worry about the look of the transmitter! 


One thing is for sure, for the money the Team Associate Pro4 SC10 is cracking value for the money. I won’t hesitate in recommending the car to customers in the shop. 

A photo of team wheelspin after an evening having fun with our cars.