Setting up LED Lights on Etronix ET1060 receiver


Updated 2022-07-26 by Nicky


As the Etronix ET1060 transmitter and receiver is one of the most popular transmitter and receiver combos we sell with Tamiya kits, we get asked how to get LED lights working on their tamiya. Please find the step by step guide on how to get LED lights working on your ET1060 receiver.


Items you will need



Step 1

1 – On each light kit, on the end of the wire is a black connector.  This can be seen in image below


Step 2

2 – That black connector on the light kit, plugs into the Traxxas y lead. This can be seen in the image below. Please note that you can add up to 2 sets of lights in to this y lead.

Step 3

The one black connector of the y lead will plug into your receiver. Plug the black connector into the port that says CH3/Bind. This can be seen in image below

Once you turn the car on, all the lights that are plugged into the Traxxas Y Lead will come on. The lights will stay on till you turn the car off.


Hope the above helps, but if there is anything else we can do to help we are always a phone call or email away.