Sky RC GNSS Set up information


Updated 2023-10-03 by Rich

I am ready to set up the Sky RC speed tester and am hoping it will be easier than its manual counterpart.


This should be fairly quick to get ready to do speed runs.

This is the first step - download the app from the app store on your phone (available on both Android and IPhone).


The device needs to be charged before the first use - I found it had about 20% charge from the factory.


Once charged for an hour or two I connected the app on my phone to it via Bluetooth. Click on the top link on the main menu for speed testing.

Once you are in the app, secure the speed tester device itself in the car (make sure it is firmly secured). You will now have this screen on your phone.

The next step is to connect to your phone - firstly you need a satellite signal. The device itself has no on/off button (it automatically turns on when you are linking to your phone). I found this device connected very quickly compared to the manual version.


Once connected you are ready to go - to log your speed on the passes, follow the next steps: