How to replace Etronix Pulse transmitter antenna


Updated 2023-08-16 by Rich

I recently dropped my Etronix Pulse handset so will be covering how to replace the antenna for a new one that is readily available on the website here:


eTronix Pulse GFSK 2.4Ghz Transmitter Antenna (Fits ET1060)


The antenna on this transmitter is a real weak point and can easily snap. Here is how mine looked.

So I got the new one and went about fixing it.

First step: take the screw out that holds the holder in place on the top.

How the assembly can very carefully be pulled out. It is also easier to gently pull off the trim and dual rate adjustment cover.


Once this is done you can remove all the screws in the side of the transmitter. It is essentially screwed together horizontally. Removing all these screws just make the transmitter fall in half.

The black wire needs to be removed and re-soldered. I gently bent it off using friction (very gently so as not to damage the main board). Also be careful not to pull the wires off the battery box at the bottom. The solder joints are very small and delicate.


New antenna assembly in and ready to be re-soldered.

Soldering the black wire back to the board was a pretty simple job as it already had solder that instantly melted and stuck the wire in place.

Once this is done you can carefully put the transmitter back together to complete the job.


Always put the car on the bench to test it before you let it loose on the ground just in case anything has gone wrong.